1、Identification of the substance/preparation and company
Product Information: white
Product Number:W3001
Information on Producer/Suppiler Name.Address.Phone:
Guang ahou Bao Saheng polyurethanes Pigment Co.LTD,.
0769-88188806 88187729
Emergency Phone/Fax:0769-88187719
2、Composition/Information on Ingredients
English Name:-
Chemical Abstracts Number(CAS NO):-
Percentage for Chemical Ingredient(%):
3、Hazard Identification
4、First Aid Measures
5、Fire Fightion Measuer
6、Accidental release measures
7、Handling and Storage
8、Exposure control/personal protection
9、Physical and Chemical Properties /characteristics
10、Stability and Reactivity
11、Toxicological Information
12、Ecological Information
13、Disposal Information
14、Transport Information
15、Regulation Information